Introduction to The Leadership Course
The Current State of Leadership
80% of Americans believe that the US faces a leadership crisis, up from 65% in 2005. Credit: "A National Study of Confidence in Leadership", Harvard University
$14 Billion spent annually by US Companies on Leadership Development. Credit: "Trends in US Leadership Development".
A Record number of MBA graduates has not reduced this embarrassing failure rate. "I think we need to redouble our efforts,” said HBS Dean Haty Light, “to make sure that even those people we send to financial services are first and foremost leaders". Credit: "Is it Time to Retrain B-Schools", Kelley Holland, The New York Times.​
30% to 75% estimates of managerial incompetence. Credit: Hogan and Kaiser.
75% of the reasons people quit come down to their managers. Credit: Gallup.
50% failure rate among senior executives. Credit: "What We Know About Leadership", Hogan and Kaiser.​

Most University and Business leadership courses focus on traits, styles, or personality characteristics, which provides no access to the nature of leadership, and no access to actually being a leader.
In fact, looking at leadership from the “content” and “peripheral aspects” of leadership amounts to starting at the wrong end of the process of mastering leadership. Starting from that end, what you learn about the “peripheral aspects” and the “content” of leadership does little to leave you being a leader.
However, if you start by mastering the "being" of being a leader, then learning about the “content” and the “peripheral aspects” of leadership can enhance your effectiveness as a leader. Credit: Rost.
In this course, we have created a contextual framework for leader and leadership that is specifically designed to reveal, and to provide access to, what Rost spoke of as the “nature of leadership” – that is, what leadership actually is.
Portion of video clip credit: "We are all Superstars", Fox
Isn't it Time to Impact this Crisis?
A New Model for Leadership

The Foundation

The Foundation for Leadership Consists of:
Integrity - Honoring one's word.
Authenticity - Being authentic to yourself and others.
Commitment to Something Bigger Than Oneself - Being driven beyond self-interests; Commitment to a greater purpose.
Commitment to Being Cause in the Matter - Being committed to making a difference regardless of role.​
The above is about Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership. It is not about moral good. It is about the results and productivity available through this Foundation for Leadership.
The Contextual Framework

The Contextual Framework for Leadership Consists of:
Leader and Leadership as Realms of Possibility - You will discover what possible ways of being and acting are available to leaders.
Leader and Leadership as Actually Experienced - You will discover what leadership looks like in action.
Leader and Leadership as a Temporal Domain - You will discover that leadership is about creating the future.
The above are inquiries into what it really is to Be a Leader and Exercise Leadership Effectively. It is about your discovering leader and leadership in a way that you are "Used By" the Contextual Framework and that it comes from your Natural Self Expression. Again, It is about the results and productivity available through this Contextual Framework for Leadership.

Discover, Limit and Remove Ontological Functional and Perceptual Constraints

The final element of the course is to discover, limit, and potentially remove those constraints to our ways of being that contribute to our being less effective as leaders.
Our Being Leaders is limited by our constrained, and generally fixed, perceptions of ourselves and others. Our effective functioning as leaders can be further limited by the unexamined impact of our life experiences that negatively contribute to our performance as leaders.
Credit: "Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership" for the above graphics and selected course content
What Course Graduates Have to Say
Business Case Examples in the Course
Had enough? Want to be an extraordinary leader? Inquire about Joining or Sponsoring a Course
Contact: Rob Owen - - (602) 625-5499