What is Leadership?
True Leadership Begins from Within.
What do General (Ret.) Colin Powell, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and thousands of remarkable leaders have in common? Their leadership comes from their natural self-expression, integrity, and unwavering commitment to creating the future far beyond their self-interests.
This course provide access to the “authentic leader” inside you.
Bill George on Authenticity, Harvard Business School Professor and former Chairman of Medtronic

Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: A Being and Action Model

"Five words: Powerful, Meaningful, Profound, Passionate, Transformative"
Rick Miller, Founder and President of Kids at Hope

A powerful example of course results: From Sarah Tracy, Ph.D. 2018 research and courses: One HR Professional chose to hire the students from the Transformative Leadership Class in 69.57% of the scenarios. A 2nd HR Professional chose 82.61% of the Transformative Leadership students over those from an epistemological Leadership course.
"The Transformational Leadership Course taught me that who I wound up being does not define who I am today.
It is my choice to define who I am and to live up to that definition.
This course has made me a better leader, team member, and person."
Prior University of Arizona Course Students
This course is all about YOU. It can enhance your leadership and management potential. Through your participation and actions in self and group activities, the course focuses on exercising the "authentic leader within". Upon your committed completion, your peers will be amazed and future employers will notice you above others.
This innovative leadership course is rooted in the transformative “Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership” course taught at the US Air Force Academy, Dartmouth School of Medicine, Texas A&M Mays School of Business, University of California, Rutgers University, and many other universities and corporations around the globe. This high-energy course unleashes the freedom, power, and peace that only authentic leadership provides.

Course Instructor, Structure, and Outcome
As a successful business executive, Rob Owen brings to this course 35 years of leadership development and results within businesses, large and small. He is a faculty in the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona and at the Thunderbird School of Global Management. He is also one of very few faculty taught directly and certified by the course creators to teach this course.
Having taught all or parts of this course to hundreds of professionals and graduate students, Mr. Owen has seen tremendous advancement in attendees’ lives and careers.
The full course can be delivered within 30-40 hours in a wide variety of formats to meet student and business needs. The majority of class sessions will consist of a brief introduction of material followed by in-class discussion, reflection, deep personal discovery, and participative exercises. Brief readings are assigned between class sessions and you may be instructed to choose and execute an action-based learning project that requires your personal leadership.
Everything about the course is designed to leave you being a leader and exercising leadership effectively, as your natural self-expression; by providing you access to leadership in a way you have likely never experienced. Most attendees find immediate value beginning with the first class session.
November, 2010 I assisted the original course creators with the public Leadership Course delivered in Panchgani, India.

Steve Zaffron, Rob Owen, Werner Erhard, Kari Granger, Michael Jensen